Consulting by Crowdsourcing and Wargaming
Diversity of Thought. Channelised.
What is crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing is the practice of utilizing the wisdom of a group for a common goal. Crowdsourcing provides the ability to access people who have skill sets that are unavailable within the company.

Who is our “crowd”

Our crowd is a global group of individuals whom we call Troopers , with varying experience of Aerospace and Defence expertise.

" Diversity and independence are important because the best collective decisions are the product of disagreement and contest, not consensus or compromise. "
― James Surowiecki, The Wisdom of Crowds

What is our endeavour

We assist clients tap into the power of external crowds― We broaden the creative and problem solving capacity of your company by providing fresh ideas and diverse perspectives.

We find a suitable blend of specialists and generalists to provide value.

We aim to provide market intelligence, business insights, trustworthy and well grounded feedback.

What is our crowdsourcing philosophy

Engage the right crowd at the right time, maintain confidentiality and anonymity for our clients and use crowdsourcing only if it is a good fit.

How does it work

• We mobilise the “crowd” from our panel of experts who are best suited for your needs. We define the scope, boundaries, success criteria.

• We conduct online iterations with chosen real world experts.

• We analyse the crowd wisdom, convert it into actionable insights and recommend the ideal solution.

How will it help you

By tapping into diverse experiences that add value, you will be able to:

• Make investment decisions with conviction.

• Forge the right partnerships.

• Build the right strategy.

" Diversity of talent brings in diversity of thought. Multiple perspectives and experiences expand the range of understanding and pragmatic solutions are reached more quickly, as and when such an exercise is conducted.
With thought diversity on call, an organisation is less likely to be surprised by competition, varying market demands or ever changing technologies and regulations. "
— Rajiv Chib, Insighteon Consulting

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